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Austria & Czech Republic

Austria & Czech Republic

Austria & czech republic

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Prague, Karlovy Vary, Cesky Krumlov, Dresden,

Passau, Linz, Krems, Mayerling, Seegrotte,

Durstein, Melk, Vienna....




Arrive early enough in Prague to start exploring this beautiful city.
Amongst the highlights, delight in viewing the Castle, St.
Vitus Cathedral and the Royal Palace.
Following a leisurely stroll with a local guide, we will proceed to  have a good look at Charles Bridge, a landmark of the city of Prague before you start enjoying the comfort of your 5 star hotel in the centre of the city.


More of scrutinizing the city of Prague, this time the Old part to admire the different architecural buildings amongst them the Gothic Our Lady Before Tyn Church.
Try to be at the main square and near the Town Hall on the hour so that you will be amazed by the workings of the astronomical clock.
After visiting the Jewish Quarters, time will be set aside for those interested in taking a boat cruise on the River Vlatva.
Prepare your taste buds for an enjoyable traditional dinner while listening to enchanting music during the Folklore night.


Cherish the Bohemic greenery as you travel to the spa town of Karlovy Vary.  Being a spa town, one cannot miss out on visiting the Spa Colonnades.
The Maria Magdalene Church is also worth investigating so you will spend some time here.
Anticipate the discovery of the historical centre of this town with enough time for shopping if your heart desires it.
Don’t miss out on the evening opportunity to admire the marlvelous fountain works at Križíkova Fontána.


This trip will offer you the opportunity to visit a German City, the City of Dresden, a vivid reminder of Florence.  Stand in Theatreplatz and look around to marvel at the Hofkirche,   and the Semper Opera House, all boasting different magnificent architectural styles.
Prepare yourself to take pleasure in viewing the Procession of the Princes, better known as the  Fürstenzug and to marvel at the intricate beauty of the arches  at Der Stallhof.


Spend time at Ceský Krumlov, a town considered to be the most beautiful in Bohemia and on your way cherish the greenery and the sweet little villages.
Over the river Vlatva, one can admire the imposing castle by exploring both the interior of the castle and its surrounding grounds.
Relax in yet another comfortable hotel, this time the Hotel Park Inn by Radisson 4 stars.


Prepare yourself to be amazed by the beauty the German town of Passau has to offer.
This three river city brings together the rivers Danube, Inn and Ilz and therefore its no wonder that it attracts so many tourists each year.
Enjoy the baroque architectural style which dominates this town.  Make sure you enter St.
Stephen’s Cathedral, most popular for hosting the largest church organ in the world.
The Rathaus, with frescoes on its facades and its location close to the banks of the Danube, also has loads to offer.


Next on the agenda is the city tour at another Austrian city, Linz.  Charge your camera batteries to make sure you take pictures of the Main Square, the Cathedral, the Trinity Coloumn which is carved in white marble,  Mozart House and the Linz Castle.
For a nominal fee, get on the Long Bergbahn and be transported to Pöstlingberg and look forward to the wonderful views and a visit to the Pilgrimage Basilica.
Later on, indulge in a cruise and relax on the River Danube.


A must see is the Wachau Valley and rest assured that the journey will be one to remember passing through and visiting the quaint villages.
Your first stop will be at Krems, a medieval town, home to nice and colourful historical buildings.
Dürnstein is next on the menu, also a small town on the Danube River, and very popular for its wine.
The third visiting town is that of  Melk with its imposing Benedictine Abbey which you will have time to explore if you so wish.



On arrival to Vienna, settle down in the hotel and be ready for the next morning’s tour to visit  the romantic city of Vienna.
The capital has much to offer and a coach trip will cover all tourists’ attractions.
You will be taken to all the dominating buildings amongst them the Parliament Building, the State Opera House, Habsburg Palace, Belvedere Palace and St.
Stephen’s Cathedral.
Time will be put aside for those wishing to discover the beauty inside the Opera House and the Hofburg Palace.  Make a choice of exploring more of the royals at the Schönbrunn Palace or call it a day with royalty and embark on a shopping spree.
Do not tire yourself too much as the evening will offer you the opportunity to go on the Giant Ferris Wheel at Wiener Prater.


Feel green and close to nature as you investigate the Vienna Woods, where you will proceed to the Mayerling Hunting Lodge, popular for the scandal attached to it.  We will proceed to Heiligenkreuz, the place where the impressive 12th century convent is located.  Upon arrival to Seegrotte, put time aside for a unique underground boat trip through tunnels on an underground lake, the biggest in Europe.  This will help you relax while taking in uncommon spectacular scenery before you start your journey back home.


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